





New Engineering Education Method Experiment and Construction (NEEMEC)

The NEEMEC program aims to help university engineering departments in Taiwan cultivate future generations of engineers via a renewed core undergraduate curriculum. The overall aim is to increase students’ motivation and abilities to tackle real life engineering challenges, before and after they graduate. The means envisioned include better relating disciplinary courses with each other, exploring new approaches to teaching and learning (hands-on experimentation, interactive media, self-learning and team learning,…), and connecting theoretical courses with the practice of design, modeling and prototyping. University departments and faculty wishing to pursue such efforts are invited to submit proposals and funding requests for either A- or B-type projects. A-type projects will involve department-wide efforts to re-organize and renew the core undergraduate curriculum over a planning, experimentation, and implementation period of up to four years. B-type projects will let teams of instructors target clusters of 3 or more undergraduate courses for a coordinated renewal of course organization, contents and methods over a period of one year. In addition to funding the selected proposals, the program will provide a platform for experience sharing, both between projects and with related initiatives in Taiwan and abroad.


